The Dusk Vigil

The Dusk Vigil

Level 51, ilvl 100


Coerthas Western Highlands (X:20, Y:7)

For All the Nights to Come

In the days following the Calamity, western Coerthas was abandoned by the knights of Ishgard, save for the Dusk Vigil, whose defenders refused to withdraw. Since then, the fortress has only fallen further into disrepair, and her garrison has long since been presumed dead. Unlike most Ishgardians, who would sooner put the tragic episode behind them, Father Wealdtheow would have you enter the forsaken fortress and reclaim a priceless treasure: an ice rondel set in the crown of a sculpture within the vigil's chapel. A simple request, perhaps, but if experience has taught you anything, such tasks are anything but...  


Towering Oliphant

The Oliphaunt boss in the game casts "Rear", an area-of-effect attack around itself. It also has a roomwide attack called "Prehistoric Trumpet". Occasionally, the boss will target a player and use "Rock of Ages" to stun them, "Wooly Inspiration" for a conal pull attack, or "Rout" for a charging attack. When the boss uses Rout, one of the party members, usually the tank, can stand between the Oliphaunt and the targeted player to share the damage, resulting in less damage taken from the attack.

Ser Yuhelmeric

The boss summons adds, with melee adds performing AoE attacks and caster adds casting a buff around themselves. It is important to move the boss away from the caster adds as they spawn to prevent the buff from stacking. Additionally, the boss uses Death Spiral, an AoE ability that hits everything not in or near melee range. It is crucial to take this into consideration when dealing with the adds.


The boss in this room starts with several crumbled piles of masonry scattered around, similar to Garuda. One of the boss's attacks is called Alpine Draft, which is a line attack that is easy to avoid. Another attack is Freefall, where the boss turns to face one player and jumps on them, destroying any nearby piles of rubble. There is also an attack called Whirling Gaol, which affects the entire room. The outer sides of the room will start pushing you towards the center, where you will be stunned and then hit for some damage. However, hiding behind the crumbled masonry in the room can prevent you from being pushed into the center. The boss also has an attack called Winds of Winter, which is an area-of-effect attack that deals moderate damage and stacks wind vulnerability on anyone hit. To avoid this attack, stand with a pile of rubble between you and the boss. It's important to note that this attack will destroy all existing piles of rubble and new ones will fall from the ceiling.
